Ramjet interrogates Gyconi
Source: TV
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Added 11/20/2005
Updated 11/20/2005
Lo and behold! a beautiful cel of Ramjet from the episode "The Gambler"
Ramjet can be seen here on the largest gambling asteroid in the universe "Monacus" in Lord Gyconis chamber.
He threatens the evil and obese Lord Gyconi about skimming energon off the top - "If Megatron thought you were cheating him, you could be in big trouble!"
I like this scene because it shows Ramjet and Thrust together as Megatron's chronies / thugs doing mafia like interrogations. How cool is that?
The cel is beautifully drawn, with awesome alien artwork on the chamber entrance walls. Ramjet looks particularly evil and menacing.
The cel is great closeup and as far as i know it is the only cel of Ramjet known to exist
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